Mahila College

  • +91 6582 256512

Feedback form 2021-22

Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

  • Campus Discipline:

    • Students are not allowed to keep their cell-phones and walkman on when the classes are going on. Defaulter’s set will be confiscated if they are caught.
    • Students attending classes, meetings or other gatherings within the college campus are expected to be presentably dressed in accordance with the approved etiquette.
    • The College reserves the right to dismiss at any time a student for serious indiscipline.
    • When a student meets a member of the staff for the first time in the day, he/she must greet him/her appropriately.
    • To use decent languages and to have concern for others.

    Leave of Absence:

    • A student who requires leave for a class hour or more must apply for it in writing to the Head of the Department.
    • The leave application of the students countersigned by the parent/guardian and duly forwarded by the concerned teacher should be preserved by the students for future reference. A student applying for leave on medical grounds should attach medical certificate by a registered medical practitioner and submit the same to the subject/H.O.D. (for Honours) within 5 days of student’s returning to the class.
    • The evening section students should submit their application to Prof-in-charge of Evening Section.
    • A student who applies for leave on medical ground should attach a medical certificate along with the prescription, to his/her application from a Registered Medical Practitioner. Such an application must reach the concerned authority as mentioned above within five days of student’s return to the class. The concerned Coordinator/ Prof.-in-charge/ Principal reserve the right to sanction or deny the leave.
    • Students have to attend classes regularly. 75% attendance is compulsory. Students with less attendance will not be allowed to fill in their Exam forms.
    • Student should maintain discipline and decorum inside the campus.
    • Continuous absence without leave for more than a month will render a student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls of the college.
    • If student is continuously absent for more than a month without information, her name will be struck off from the admission register, If a student remains absent due to some unavoidable circumstances then she will have to submit an application mentioning the cause of her absence duly signed by her parent/guardian (if parent is not available). The authority reserves the right to section or reject her prayer. She may have to take readmission on payment of all charges in case of consideration of her prayer by the Principal of the college.


    • Every student shall carry the Identity Card with him/her daily to the college. Any staff members as well as other lawful authorities of the college have the right to ask to produce it any time.
    • The Identity Card should be shown to the authorities concerned before entering the Reading room or the Laboratories.
    • Any enquiry regarding the fees of the ST/SC/BC-1 students to be clarified by the account section.
    • Students are advised to follow Notice Board regularly for information regarding the College, University and various activities.
    • The students must have two sets of prescribed uniform, They must attend the weekly assembly of the college. 

    Ragging :

    • Ragging is strictly prohibited and is a punishable offense (crime) by law.
    • Any Student found guilty of ragging will be strictly punished will be expelled from the college.


      Anti Ragging Cell:

      1. Dr. (Mrs.) Suchita Bara 
      2. Dr. (Mr.) Niwaran Mahtha
      3. Mrs. Amita Birua 

      Desig. of Portfolio:

      • Incharge
      • Member
      • Member